Summer School for Junior High and High School Girls 2023 (hereinafter referred to as “Natsu-gaku”) was held at the National Women’s Education Center from August 5th to 7th . Ninety-eight female junior and senior high school students from 29 prefectures in Japan participated. Thirty-one university and graduate student staff (“TAs” including five student planning committee members,), members of academic societies in the field of science and engineering (member organizations of the Liaison Association for Gender Equality), university and high school teachers, researchers and engineers from companies served as executive committee members and program staff. The three-day science program was held under the united leadership of more than 200 support members.
It was the first face-to-face meeting in four years, and we felt a degree of excitement appropriate to the beginning of the evolution of Natsu-gaku in the post-Corona era..
For the full report, please see the PDF file.