On November 2, 2023, as part of the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology FD/SD training program, with the request from Professor Ino, I presented a topic entitled “Promoting Diversity for the Next Generation: Beyond Unconscious Bias”.
In addition to the content related to unconscious bias, he asked me to introduce the activities for the next generation that we are working on at GSTEM-CPP. While having the audience try out the IAT, I introduced the background of the stagnant gender gap index in Japan and the efforts of the Summer School for Girls in Junior and Senior High Schools.
The 40 or so participants asked so many questions that time was not enough.
One participant commented, “Many students suddenly lose interest in science when they reach junior high school age.” We felt that our approach to the junior high school age group and below had the potential to be a key point for increasing the number of women who choose science and engineering career paths. In the future, we would like to further promote the provision of information to students who are still in the stage of undecided career paths.
Thank you very much for this valuable opportunity.